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A Shampoo Maker's Journey

It is part of the human condition to go through many different journeys in our lifetime, many aspects of life that we learn through as we go along. Some may seem insignificant, but I believe even the little things affect our way of thinking, sometimes with life-changing ramifications. If we can look back gratefully on much of what we have been through, we can appreciate how far it has brought us, no matter how tough it may have been. If it has improved life by the learning, or made us a little bit better person for it, it was worth it.

Like most of us, I used run of the mill cheap shampoo from the store as a child and into adulthood. I didn’t think much about it. It didn’t occur to me that there was anything significant about what I put on my head, let alone any other part of my body, or particularly what went into it either. I went along with the crowd, assumed without ever giving it a thought, that manufacturers had my best interests in mind, and that the world didn’t necessarily revolve around making a buck the cheapest way possible regardless of the outcome for the individual.

Somewhere along the way, I began to gain access to valuable information that would change how I look at everything. I began to learn that what I mindlessly ate and put on my skin was not necessarily what I thought it was. I began to learn about the cancer causing, hormone disrupting properties of synthetic and petroleum chemicals that were in practically everything: toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, and even many prepared foods. Methylparabens, variations on sodium lauryl sulfate, toxic preservatives, and many more. The more I learned, the more horrified I became. The public at large is exposed on a daily basis to dozens if not hundreds of toxic chemicals, many of them unknowingly, just as I was. And we wonder why the most recent generations are experiencing more cancer, more new diseases than any generation before it. We have done it to ourselves! And allowed manufacturers to do this to us!

Why does it matter? Why should something we put on our skin be a big deal? Our skin is our largest organ and it is permeable. It protects us from much, but because it is part of a living, breathing system, it is designed to allow in and out certain substances. It isn’t designed to protect against a constant onslaught of toxic chemicals. These chemicals seep in through the skin and make their way directly to the blood stream and nearby systems, and easily begin circulating through the body! They don’t even have to go through the digestive tract like our food, which sorts out some things on its own. These chemicals become immediately accessible to our bodies!

This is a Reader’s Digest version of the whole subject, just in the hope it will trigger a desire to know more, if this is news to you.

I spent many years searching out natural products to use, in particular for shampoo. There are a few good and safe products out there, and I think more are becoming available as people become more knowledgeable and therefore more demanding, which is exactly where we should be. However, we must be ever vigilant, and read, read, read those labels! Even products that appear to be natural, can easily sneak in a nasty chemical or two. And unfortunately, in some cases, manufacturers are not even required by the FDA to list certain ingredients, so we are powerless to ever really know for sure, 100%.

In my frustration, and desire to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible (in spite of my fast food addiction—a whole other topic), I even went through a period of several years of strictly using baking soda to wash my hair, and apple cider vinegar to rinse! There wasn’t particularly any negative impact on my hair, but it didn’t make it particularly beautiful either. So, at long last, my journey has brought me to a place where I create my own skin and hair care products. So I know exactly what we are submitting ourselves to! My research continues, and I will continue to learn, and hopefully improve. My heart’s desire is to provide the best personal care products I can for my family, and hope to minister to other’s needs with those same products.

Now for my shampoo bars! I believe these have tremendous potential and I am always researching new ways to improve them. The bars I am offering now, in my opinion, are great. I enjoy them. I enjoy the ease of use, the lack of mess, the lack of worry over what I am doing to my body, my hair, my sinuses (Fragrance manufacturers are not even required to list ingredients! Who knows what secret health diminishing chemicals lie within those enticing scents?! I guarantee you much of it is petrochemicals! Did you know scent travels directly to the brain? Think about that for a moment…) I live in an area with very hard water, and when I moved here a little over a year ago, I was dismayed by the straw-like consistency of my hair. I tried a few products with little improvement, and tried to make a liquid shampoo which frankly was nasty and wouldn’t even rinse out of my hair (not my recipe!) I was in the process of formulating a shampoo bar and decided to just cut out the middle man and use my own product! I don’t plan to ever go back! There is no reason to. My hair is soft, shiny, manageable, moisturized—what more could I want!? And that apple cider vinegar rinse? Still a great finisher, and couldn’t be easier. And not even necessary all the time.

ANNOUNCING: New upcoming herbal shampoo bars! I cut my teeth on the wonderful basic bars I am currently offering. (Tasted nasty! Just kidding.) I have clients with dry hair, and scalp eczema who love them! I am hoping to make them even better with herbs that are great for individual issues such as dry scalp, oily scalp, eczema, and need for hair growth stimulation. My first formulation will be for dry scalp and will also be appropriate for eczema and curly hair frizz as several of the herbs are great for all. I am also customizing the base oils for the soaps themselves to more effectively compliment these individual needs. The dry hair bar (which will be our first offering) will have infusions of elderflowers, nettle leaf, and comfrey root, just to name a few, along with our local Suzy Q’s fresh raw cow’s milk, local farm fresh egg yolks, aloe vera, and lecithin. Even the delicious combination of essential oils in the fragrance is designed to enhance hair and scalp health! We hope to be able to offer this bar after a one month curing time by the end of November. We already have a volunteer to give it a try (besides myself, but I don’t have a dry scalp, so not the best candidate.) We are thrilled to be taking this turn in our journey, and feel it has all been worthwhile—all the split ends, all the frustration, all the disgust with manufacturers, everything—because now we can offer something healthful, helpful, and beautiful—not only to our family, but to you!

If you have bothered to read through this blog to the end, I want to make it worth your while and reward you for your time! The first 4 readers to respond to me via email through the website asking for a trial dry hair herbal shampoo bar, will receive a full sized bar in the mail, free of any charge (you will have to provide shipping information!) Keep in mind, you will receive the bar probably in December…We’ll keep you posted if life happens and we have delays.


Resources: (more on our resources page) Environmental Working Group offers statistics regarding many chemicals that are in our everyday skin, hair, and tooth care products. The length of this list of household chemicals that contain sodium lauryl sulfate will amaze you! I printed it out so I could tape it end to end for a visual aid for a talk on the dangers of this chemical. One of many government tests done to prove irritation and increased occurrence of cold sores and canker sores due to the typical use of toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate

Material Safety Data Sheets—always a good idea to check these out. What the typical consumer is not told, manufacturers and companies who use or transport these chemicals know and account for in their HASMAT suits, gloves and other protective gear!

This only scratches the surface. There are many, many more! Pick a chemical, any chemical and do an online search for the dangers of that chemical and any related governmental research. You may be surprised by what you find!

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On our little homestead in central New Mexico, we are passionate about all things green and growing--even some of the weeds--enjoying the veggies of our labor, and the fruit of our neighbors, canning, fermenting, foraging, and every other possible way to be as self sufficient as we can become.  Which includes creating necessary and often fun skin care products,  because we want to know what goes in and on our bodies, and also because we can custom create whatever is needed.  For our needs--and yours! 

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